5 Unmatched Benefits of PPC Advertising

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One of the most direct forms of digital marketing, PPC advertising is known to be the most influential tool of a marketing framework in current times, resulting in a positive ROI for businesses of all sizes and across industries! Research indicates that 79% of marketers say PPC campaigns are hugely beneficial for their businesses! With such high numbers, let us understand what PPC advertising actually is and what makes it such a successful strategy -

What is PPC Advertising?

In simple words, PPC is an online advertising model where advertisers pay every time a user clicks on one of their ads. There are multiple types of PPC ads, the most common one being Google AdWords, where advertisers bid on specific keywords to appear in the search engine’s sponsored results (which appear above the organic search results). Some of the other forms of PPC ads include Google display ads, Google retargeting, social media ads, etc.

Listed below are 5 unmatched benefits of PPC advertising:

1. Supports Every Stage of The Sales Funnel -
The most powerful benefit of PPC advertising is that it is a highly focused and goal-oriented strategy that supports all stages of the sales funnel. Whether the goal is to create awareness, boost website traffic, generate leads, or drive conversions, it is adept at delivering exceptional results for all. This makes it a multi-purpose and adaptable strategy for all brands and businesses, regardless of their size, industry, or marketing goals. Research shows that businesses make an average of $2 for every $1 they spend on Google Ads!

2. Offers Extensive Targeting Options -
Another explicit advantage of investing in PPC advertising is that it offers incredible targeting options, allowing one to reach out straight to their ideal customers! Some of these options include keyword targeting, demographics-based targeting, behavioral targeting, remarketing, etc. Moreover, being pay-per-click advertising, one has to pay only when a user clicks on their advertisement, making it an easy to execute, cost-effective, and coherent investment for all businesses.

3. Shows Virtually Instant Results -
As opposed to organic growth strategies like SEO which require long-term, continuous effort in order to be successful, PPC campaigns hold the potential to fetch results almost instantaneously, owing to the direct access to the target group. An additional benefit is that they’re not dependent on the algorithm changes, thereby making them easy to manage and optimize. Hence, applied intelligently, these can give businesses an edge over their competitors and can be highly instrumental in the rapid growth and success of a business.

To learn how to build a strong online presence, read this.

4. Access to Insights in Real-Time -
Yet another incredible benefit is that PPC campaigns can be managed efficiently with access to ad-performance data and detailed reports in real-time. This helps businesses understand if their advertisements, products, and landing pages are appealing enough, analyze the gaps in their strategy, monitor their costs, and allows them to make the necessary changes in time to achieve the best results! It also offers great budget flexibility which is a huge advantage for SMBs, leading to a positive return on investment (ROI) in most cases.

To learn about the key components of a successful inbound marketing strategy, click here.

5. Complements Other Marketing Efforts -
Lastly, PPC marketing complements and enhances the outcome of all other marketing endeavors undertaken by the business. Right from realizing the high-value keywords to target with respect to SEO, facilitating conversions from content marketing campaigns, optimizing social media presence to boosting online sales, it successfully yields fruitful results for all. To conclude, PPC is a must-have in every business’s online marketing strategy!

For further support to grow your business, our team at Parkyd Digital is available and happy to help you. With a deep understanding of the digital marketing landscape and over a decade of industry experience, we offer holistic marketing solutions that are customized according to your requirements to effectively boost your ROI and achieve your business goals. 

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